Analysis of a multiclass image dataset using Scikit-learn

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This dataset consists of 16130 512*512 images in 3 classes: cat, dog and wild animal.

Several interesting conclusions were drawn from this challenging dataset:

  • Using Pearson correlation it is possible to determine with pixels have the best correlation score and thus optimize the training:
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  • The classes were determined to not be linearly separable
  • Classification using k-means clustering is very inefficient due to the properties of the dataset (35% accuracy on testing dataset):
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  • Classifying using random forests algorithms works very well, as does the Multi-Layers Perceptron classifier (respectively 75% and 80% accuracy on testing dataset).
  • However classifying using Convolutional Neural Networks gives the best results, reaching 95% accuracy with optimum meta-parameters.
Henri-Louis Boisvert
Henri-Louis Boisvert
MSc student in AI